Le cheminement intérieur de Marthe Robin est dévoilé grùce à la publication de son "Journal". Découvrez-le en ligne...
One does not become holy by copying the saints, one becomes holy by living in union with Jesus.
Marthe Robin was declared "Venerable" in November 2014 by Pope Francis. The recognition that Marthe was "heroic in virtue" by Pope Francis was a key step in her cause of beatification. A case presenting an inexplicable healing obtained through her intercession is currently being examined in Rome.

By proclaiming her to be "Venerable", the Church has advocated the way in which Marthe Robin demonstrated the theological virtues (faith, hope and charity) and cardinal virtues (justice, prudence, fortitude and temperance) as a model for Christians. It recognises the exemplary value of Marthe's life, which was entirely given up to God and to other people without regard for herself as she took on the adversities of life with a strength that cannot be attributed to human courage alone. But the path to beatification is not over!
Find out more:
- How do you become a Saint? (VIDEO)
- Milestones in Marthe Robin's cause of beatification de Marthe Robin
- Marthe Robin, Venerable
- Pray for her beatification
The examination of a miracle
As early as December 2014, a case presenting an inexplicable healing obtained through the intercession of Marthe Robin was submitted in Rome. This miracle was initially the subject of a diocesan inquiry and must now be examined by the Roman Congregation for the Causes of Saints using testimonies, documents and scientific expert assessments. If the commission in charge of this examination recognises the validity of the miracle, the pope can then decide to declare her "blessed" on a date of his choice.

A long and rigorous examination
Once the case of the miracle has been sent to the Vatican, there are several major steps to be completed. First of all, two experts in the disease that the person was suffering from must be appointed to examine the broad lines of the case. Then a commission of doctors examines the case in detail. If they come to the conclusion that the healing cannot be explained given the current state of scientific knowledge, then a committee of theologians is assigned the task of deciding whether it can be described as a "miracle" in the order of faith.
At the end of this rigorous procedure, involving numerous medical experts and theologians, the assembly of the congregation, made up of cardinals and bishops, decides whether the case should be referred to the pope for final judgement. The latter is the only person who can sign the recognition of the miracle. This act is the necessary condition for beatification, which is the result of a long process that only the pope can ultimately, decide.
What is a Saint?
By their baptism in the Holy Spirit, all Christians are called to become saints. However, the Catholic Church distinguishes between Christians and deceased Christians that it wants to recommend as models of life and intercessors before God for the faithful, in order to sustain their hope. By decision of the pope, it solemnly declares these men and women blessed through the beatification process, and then saints through the canonisation process, which is the ultimate step. The criteria for becoming a saint are not based on extraordinary works, the reputation for being a good person or even the wonders performed, but "the perfection of charity, thus causing the edification of others," the perfection of love, over a long period of time, in conformity to the will of God through all the commitments made during their lifetime.
Beatification or canonisation?
Although beatification and canonisation are two steps on the same journey, they are nevertheless treated separately. In other words, some of the faithful are declared blessed, yet not declared saints. The blessed are the object of a public veneration limited to certain dioceses or religious communities. Saints may be celebrated by the universal Church. They are included in the liturgical calendar of the public prayers of the Church, to be celebrated on a given day.